a garlean national with a thirst for thrills, and a terrible penchant for making enemies in the process. best not make eye contact too long with this one, he might consider it a challenge.



NAME • cael ban ceros
AGE • mid twenties
GENDER • male
RACE • midlander hyur
ETHNICITY • ala mhigan
BIRTHPLACE • garlemald
HEIGHT • 5'9"
BUILD • slim, lightly muscled
SEXUALITY • the clashing of blades
MARITAL STATUS • disinterested
PROFESSION • camp broken glass correspondent
ALIGNMENT • true neutral


chipper and difficult to crack. if you're in need of a good mood, he never seems to be in short supply of the energy that moves him ever onward. likewise, for a man that lavishes deeply in combat, he's calm and calculated. it takes a very special kind of person to make him truly lose sight of his ideals.


there aren't many things that get under cael's skin like boredom. the antsy feeling gives him a shaky leg and an irritability that's remedied by his fascination with all weapon disciplines. because of this neverending trudge for mastery, he has a decent proficiency in a great deal of both physical and magical damaging weapons.his spellcasting, intentional or otherwise, seems forever tipped in the favor of water, however. it is within his year of studying conjury that he gained the most control over this inclination, carrying with him a myriad of defensive spells like aquaveil, fluid aura, and the ability to traverse across the surface of water for short his constant employ are a pair of daggers, and he tends to favor the scythe when given a choice, but he's currently in the process of practicing sharpshooting and aether ammo crafting. his least favorite form of combat is casting offensive magic.a combination of his water magic and agility gave him the nickname wave sweeper, which he wears proudly.



cael was, as far as he's concerned, an unwanted child. born into the chaos of a budding relationship between two loveless people, he bonded primarily with his mother while his father struggled within garlemald's constraints as an aan fighting for his citizenship.merely four years into the boy's life, his father would die during regular military service, a scarcely mourned event that his mother quickly recovered from in order to lead her meager household. left mostly to his own devices, cael would attend school, return home to study, and occupy himself while his mom endured the rigorous process of regaining her medical license after an abrupt suspension from duty during her pregnancy.six short years later, she would be shuttled off to carteneau in the wake of the growing upset on the flats, leaving a ten year old cael to the heaps of other children left to garlemald's suffering foster care system as war waged on and claimed more lives in eorzea.


while the system was unforgiving in its bare minimums, cael was fed, clothed, and schooled alongside other foster children with whom he'd come to form a bond stronger than he'd ever managed prior. caring for them as his own siblings, the handful of years he spent within those thin walls, flat beds and scratchy sheets would remain some of the most precious moments of his life. but all good things had to come to an end.


the children in foster care were held until their sixteenth nameday by law, but left abandoned, would follow a pipeline directly into a mandatory military service, said to further fund their lives and done as penance for the free care so graciously given to them.


thus on cael's sixteenth nameday, he was given a single cupcake and a uniform, the dystopian display his final memory of the orphanage before he would find himself on an airship destined for castrum centri.


if asked in the present how he enjoyed his service, cael would speak well enough of it, grateful that it lit within him the spark he needed to find a reason to be. throughout such a harsh regime did he learn intimately of weaponry, and his subsequent interest in mastering all he came across.but things like killing did not entice him, easy as they may have been. for his enemies he felt nothing, remorse was an emotion so far gone from him, but he also found no delight in an opponent who couldn't outmatch him. he deeply desired a true threat, someone that made him fear for his life.enacting a plan to flee his service, he found himself a transient soul wandering the open arms of eorzea, just another kind of orphan, but one with a little more autonomy and a goal.


it would not be long before someone would pick up on his strange behavior—a battered and bloody child swinging things that could barely be deemed weapons in fights with brawlers twice his age—honing in on him for this resilience as the perfect disciple to earn their a parasite they drip fed knowledge in exchange for his escalating skill, and the rest is something of a blur.although cael does not speak candidly about exactly what sort of training methods his teacher pressed him to endure, he does at least speak somewhat kindly of them. somewhat.


hiya, my name's aven! i'm 30+, don't rp a whole lot anymore, but you're fine to chat with me about character stuff.first and foremost, i want to state that i enjoy exploring interpretations of loose ends and open concepts within the game, so if you're a person that prefers to write more rigidly, i'm not your guy.i love dice rp, especially since cael values losing more than winning, and the chance makes things exciting. i won't fight rp with people who don't use dice unless we're already close. my character may like getting his ass kicked for learning purposes but he's by no means weak.please be 21+ if rping/chatting with me. and sorry, i don't hand out my discord easily.